If you have ever met me, you probably know that I hate cleaning. I don’t mean, its annoying but I do it, I mean I hate it with every ounce of my body. I like clean, I just don’t like to clean and messy doesn’t bother me much.
Most of you also know that I am at the end of my pregnancy, painfully past due actually, but this post isn’t about that. You guessed it, its about cleaning. Normal preggos hit a nesting stage sometimes towards the end, but I think since I hate cleaning so much, nesting just causes me to meet the normal threshold for a desire to clean. So, because I am feeling a teeny tiny urge to clean, I thought I might share with you 5 spots in every kitchen that might get regularly overlooked.
1. Under The Stove
I try to slide my stove away from the wall at least once a month and give the floor under it a good sweep and a mop. It is crazy how dirty it gets in just one month. Crumbs that get accidentally swept under or liquids that spill down the sides when I’m cooking, all of it just builds up so fast. If you have never done this, go do it right now! (No wait, actually finish reading first.)
2. Cabinet Doors
I never thought much about this before in our previous kitchens, but now we have straight black cabinets and every single time someone touches them with a greasy or sticky hand, it shows. I have noticed so much more how often our cabinets need to be wiped down.
3. Under The Sink
This is especially important if you keep your trash can or compost under your sink, but even if you don’t, it doesn’t hurt to get under there and clean it out every now and then. For those of us that leave your trash can or compost under the sink, you would be surprised how much misses the trash can, especially liquids that splash and stick to the inside of the cabinet. About once a month, I take everything out and wipe it all down and reorganize everything I keep under there. It really helps with keeping your kitchen smelling fresh.
4. Baseboards
I never noticed how dusty and greasy the baseboards in our kitchen get until I got down on my hands and knees and actually wiped them down by hand. The top edge of the baseboard can actually collect a thick layer of dust and just like every other surface in your kitchen, spilled food can stick all over them.
5. Kitchen Chairs
This is especially important if you have kids. I have sticky, grimy handprints all over my kitchen chairs daily. I don’t think it is as noticeable on more neural colored furniture, but again, I have black chairs and every tiny speck shows up. Take if from someone who can clearly see just how dirty kitchen chairs can get, you want to start regular scrubbing yours down.
Now if all of this sounds a little daunting to add to your regular cleaning list, don’t worry, I have the best solution. I know you have cleaned your floors with Pine-Sol, but did you know you can clean your entire kitchen with it? The directions are on the bottle but basically, all you need is a bucket of warm water, some Pine-Sol and a sponge and you can clean your kitchen from top to bottom.
Pine-sol has come out with a new scent, Spring Blossom, which is a combination of jasmine, orange blossom and magnolia. Pine-sol deodorizes while it easily cuts through grease, grime, and dirt. Basically, just use Pine-sol to make cleaning quick and easy.
Now, go get yourself some of the new Spring Blossom Pine-sol and have fun cleaning! Or, if you are like me, just try and keep a smile on your annoyed face.
Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.
The post 5 Places in Your Kitchen You Might Not Remember to Clean appeared first on The Glaze Brigade | Official Blog.