99% of the time I am a mommy. I spend my entire day taking care of my kids and I love it, actually, I’m obsessed with it. I love that I don’t miss a thing, I get to hear all of my daughter’s after school stories and I witness my son morph from Spiderman to Ironman to Batman 100+ times a day. It is exactly how I love to spend my time, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to have a day or two to myself every now and then.
A couple of weeks ago, I pulled myself out of bed and into the shower, threw on some make-up, quickly dried my hair, figured out something to wear that isn’t my regular sweats and fits over my growing belly and headed out the door before 7:30 a.m. That never happens, but I definitely welcomed the change! I was invited to spend the day with Eat Well Canola , learning all about canola oil, Canadian farmers, hydroponic green houses, and eating some seriously amazing food. It was so much fun to take a grown up “field trip.”
I have to admit, I didn’t know much about canola oil before the trip but I learned so much while I was there. The most important thing I learned (especially for a mama) was, “ Canola oil is a source of omega-6 which is important for the brain and essential for the growth and development of infants.” I do everything I can to boost omega’s in my food as I’m growing this baby and for my kids as their brains rapidly develop and knowing that something as easy as using canola oil in their food can boost their omega intake is a great mom tool to have in my mom tool box.
Even though I was there to take a day for myself, I kept thinking about how much fun my daughter would have had with me at the Link Greenhouses and how much she would have learned from the farmers. I have never seen a hydroponic greenhouse and Link Greenhouses was an amazing first experience. The vegetables were honestly beautiful and the lettuce looked like flowers. I so wish my daughter was there to see it. We even did a really fun activity that showed us how canola seed processors decide how much to pay a farmer for their seeds. It basically involves smashing seeds and checking that the oil that is squeezed out is yellow and not green. My daughter would have loved to try out the test herself.
Our amazing lunch was created by Chef Victor Barry who said over and over again that he “loves good food” and that is why he uses canola oil at his restaurant. He mentioned that he uses canola oil 90% of the time in his kitchen because it has the best taste and because of the low smoke point that prevents food from tasting bitter or burnt. The food was so amazing, if you are in the GTA, I highly recommend checking out Chef Berry’s restaurant Piano Piano.
Over all, I had an amazing day. I missed my babies because I am addicted to them, but I am so thankful I took a day for myself to learn more about bring healthy food into my home. The take away message from Eat Well Canola is “ choose canola oil because it’s local, healthy, versatile” and now I fully understand that statement and will definitely be bringing canola oil into my home.
If you want to try adding canola oil to your next dinner, check out this amazing lasagna recipe.
Special thanks to Eat Well Canola , Chef Berry of Piano Piano , Link Greenhouses , and especially Jeffrey Chan Photography for the beautiful photographs.
Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.
The post My Day With Eat Well Canola appeared first on The Glaze Brigade | Official Blog.